Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Managing Customer Experience

Managing customer experience
Contact points will dictate your customer experiences. How many do you need to ensure your company does what it says on your tin?
Do you know how many contact points are necessary for the success of your business what measures do you undertake to ensure these are managed to maximise your customers experience? Traditional hospitality and leisure businesses are being squeezed by “home experience cuisine” offered by supermarkets and “stripped down service models” where customer contact is kept to  a minimum. Price points are dictating levels of service customers want, are you one of those operators who has confused levels of service with quality?
If you are reducing the “human” contact by definition you are also reducing the opportunities to react to customer needs and provide a personalised service. A key consequence of this is the utmost necessity to get every contact “spot on”. Only well trained, informed and motivated employees can provide consistent quality experiences.
It might sound complicated but without some form of brand filter to evaluate everything you do you are exposing your customers to inconsistent service and products. Careful and diligent use of a brand filter will ensure your personal values can be fully represented by all who engage with your business; suppliers will get their products to you having been quality checked, employees will maximise each contact point upholding your values and your community will drive recommendations.
Ten top things to help ensure your actions to match what you say on your tin:
1.       Decide on your brand values
2.       Research highest price points
3.       Imagine being a customer, love them, attract them
4.       Recruit suppliers, employees, agents etc with a ruthless adherance to your brand values
5.       Be bold, make clear promises and try to exceed them through quality training
6.       Ensure every contact point is needed and adds value
7.       Be personally linked to your company and be part of the community
8.       Don’t expect your customers to pay for your inefficiencies
9.       Make it look, feel and be fun
10.   Have an exit strategy right at the beginning

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