Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Visitor Economy learning from the Royal Wedding

Learning from the Royal Wedding
Even the most ardent of cynics will accept that the organisation and execution of the royal wedding was a resounding success. An estimated 2 billion watched enthralled as the British Royal Family demonstrated pageantry at its very best, exuding the fine qualities for organisation, precision, occasion, spectacle set in unique historic buildings with huge orderly public support and safe clean streets associated with our nation for generations.
For our tourism businesses these positive images are a timely reminder to the world of the reasons to visit Great Britain and Northern Ireland, next years Olympics and Queens Jubilee providing yet more reasons to come and see first hand our unique mix of modernity and history.
We are all aware of the need to meet customer expectations through delivering quality and value for money. Anyone involve with the visitor economy needs to pay special attention to the recent imagery broadcasted throughout the world in recent weeks as indicators of what our customers are going to expect from us.
Lets all work a little bit harder to ensure we do at least meet these expectations but hopefully in many cases exceed expectations of international and indigenous visitors especially in the following areas:
·         Be smart, tidy up those uniforms and clean, clean, clean
·         Be organised, ensure everyone fully understands your product range and up sell
·         Spend time practicing and refining service and products, pay your staff for training and “dry runs”
·         Ensure it is British, regional and good value by learning sense of place
·         Promote the whole of the UK
·         Design and create great aftercare print, include customer feedback and referral programmes
·         Get a smile, be confident but modest, professional and welcoming
·         Act like ambassadors of the UK
Finally make it fun and rewarding for customers, employees, suppliers and colleagues!

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